(NCSAM) raises awareness about the importance of cybersecurity across our Nation.
Being safe online is not so different from being safe in the physical world! Keep Calm and Trust Your Gut! Cybersecurity starts with YOU and is everyone’s responsibility.
Why should you care? Cybercrime is any crime which is committed electronically. This can include Theft, Fraud and sometimes even murder. Crime is a danger offline and on! Cyber self-defence basics can go a long way to keeping you and your data out of the hands of bad actors.
Do you want to know more but do not have the time for long and boring explanations?
Here is what you need to know:
What is Malware? Some examples: Ransomware. Adware Botnets. Rootkits Spyware. Viruses Worms.Basically, any software intended to Damage, Disable or give someone unauthorized access to your computer or another internet-connected device.
Why should you care? Well, most cybercrime begins with some sort of malware. You, your family, and your personal information are almost certainly at risk of malware finds its way onto your computer or devices.
What is Ransomware? Some examples are Cryptolocker. Winlock. Cryptowall. Reveton ransomware. Bad rabbit. Crysis. Wannacry.In short, Malware designed to make data or hardware inaccessible to the victim until a ransom is paid.
Why should you care? It can easily be downloaded as malicious email links. It can cause damage to your financial stability and reputation. There is no guarantee that you will get your data back even if you made the payment.
Bots, what are they? A type of program used for automating tasks on the internet.For example, Chatbots like Siri and Alexa are another common type of “good” bot. Not all bots are bad. When you use a search engine, these results are made possible by the help of bots “crawling” the internet and indexing content.
Why should you care? malicious bots can gather passwords, Log keystrokes, obtain financial information, hijack social media accounts, use your email to send spam or open back doors on the infected device.
Physical Cyber Attacks. How is this possible? Did you know that anything connected to the internet is potentially vulnerable, from e-scooters to laptops to cargo ships? Yes! Physical cyber-attacks use hardware, external storage devices, or other physical attack vectors to infect, damage, or otherwise compromise digital systems. This can include… USB storage devices, CD or DVD’ or (IoT) Internet of Things.
Why should you care? It is extremely easy to overlook. Difficult to identify and detect. Extremely difficult to remove and can do anything from installing ransomware, to sending copies or modifying information systems, to dismantling networks.
What is Social Engineering? This is when Cybercriminals take advantage of you by using information commonly available through Social media platforms, location sharing and in-person conversations.
Why should you care? Your privacy is not just a luxury – it’s a security measure. Attacks can be successful with little to no programming knowledge or ability. Technological security measures can only protect you so much – you are your best defence!
What s Phishing? These are fake messages from a seemingly trusted or reputable source designed to convince you to, Reveal information. Give unauthorized access to a system. To click on a link or Commit to a financial transaction.
Why should you care? This is extremely common, and it can have severe consequences.
What is Swatting? Your location is embedded as metadata in every picture you take with your phone. An attack centred around location sharing in which bad actors can call the police claiming the victim has committed a crime or think up something even more sinister like bomb threats.
Why should you care? By being tech-savvy you can reduce your risk. By sharing your location only with trusted individuals, and share vacation photos only after you’ve returned safely home.
Other Avenues of Attack examples are Smart devices. Mobile phone. Thermostat. Vehicles. Gaming consoles. Printers. Medical equipment. Industrial systems. Devices connected to your network can collect information about you.
Why should you care? Your network can be used to attack someone else. Any device that stores information or is connected to the internet can be a vulnerability. Assume that you are vulnerable, and take measures to understand and mitigate risk. Don’t be “that persons”. Keep yourself and your family safe.
Article courtesy of Cybersecurity & infrastructure security agency